Dieting and Fitness

Dieting and Fitness

When it comes to living a long and healthy life, there are two necessary ingredients: diet and fitness. While some believe that they are one thing all together, nothing could be further from the truth. It is quite possible to have a perfectly healthy diet with deplorable fitness habits. It is equally possible to be very physically fit with less than savory eating habits.

There’s a clever little line in the Jimmy Buffet song “Fruitcakes” when his ‘lady’ is lamenting:
“I treat my body like a temple
 You treat yours like a tent”

I can’t help but think of this line whenever I think about all the people around the world who are going on these garbage in, garbage out diet plans hoping to achieve the weight loss success of those who are endorsing these products.

To be completely honest, it is possible to shed pounds through diet alone. It is difficult but possible. It is also possible to be physically fit and have a few extra pounds hanging around. To a large degree we are what we eat. If we consume a high fat low substance diet our bodies are going to lack the fuel required to burn the fat. At the same time if we aren’t providing our bodies with the tools it needs to build muscle it doesn’t matter how many weights we lift.

When it comes to diet and fitness, the best results are achieved when they work together rather than separately. Use your fitness routine to burn excess calories and use your diet in order to properly provide your body the nutrients and fuel it needs to build muscle. I’ve heard many times in my life that a pound of muscle weighs less than a pound of fat. While this is not true at all, a pound is a pound regardless; a pound of muscle occupies less space on the body than a pound of fat. Pound for pound, I would much rather mine be composed of muscle than fat. Dieting alone does not build muscle and that is something you will do well to remember in your efforts.

You should also realize that as you are building muscle you may be shedding inches while not showing a great deal of progress on the scale. It is very important that you keep this in mind throughout the weight loss process. Do not measure your progress by the scales alone or you will achieve misleading results. The problem is that far too many people do just this and get frustrated and give up when they are actually making progress. Do not allow yourself to be a victim of the scales. Look in the mirror, try on your tight pants, and measure your waistline. Measure your success by how you feel after climbing a flight of stairs not by how many pounds fell of the scale this week.

By incorporating fitness into your diet routine you are also enabling your body to burn off any extra calories you may have consumed during the day. This means that if you want to have a small ‘cheat’ during your day, you can make up for it by burning a few more calories than normal in the evening. This isn’t something that should happen often but an occasional occurrence isn’t going to make or break your diet.

You should also look at dieting and fitness as a ball and glove type of relationship. While you can play ball without the glove, it seems to work so much better if you have both. Diet and fitness when combined can create fantastic weight loss results for those who take them both seriously. The thing to remember is that neither works as well alone and neither will work unless you are willing to do the work. You must make this a priority in your life in order to achieve the best possible results. 

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Fitness Program

                                                   Fitness Program

1.Stop and Go

If you play a sport that requires a full sprint, remember that a full sprint strains the muscles of the lower body. To combat this, do stop-and-go exercises. For example, run 30 meters at about 80 percent of your effort, slow to a jog for five to 10 meters, then run again for another 30 meters. Repeat this process five times.

2.On bended knees

Almost 3 out of four ACL injury occurs when players are landing or turning. If your knees are bent instead of straight, the risk of injury is greatly reduced according to a report in the JAAOS (Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons).

3.Cool down

Heatstroke is not something that can be easily cured like headache. To avoid it, stay cool and hydrated. Be sure the combined temp an humidity is less than 160. This is according to Dr. Dave Janda of the IPSM.

4.Get the proper equipment

Badly fitting gears or ill sized equipment can be a cause of  training injuries. The extra money spent on proper equipment goes a long way.

5.Do it the right way

Bad technique is just as bad as, well, bad equipment. Seek advice from pros and trainer, this advice are invaluable to your exercises or training.

6.Go West (or whichever direction)

If you're playing or training in multiple directions, your warm up should also. Move sideways, backward, forward and all the motions you might be doing. This allows your body to be prepared.

7.Have yourself filmed

The camera doesn't lie. Show your video to a person well verse in your training, so he can give a critic of your fitness regimen.

8.Loosen the shoulders.

Even a slightly injured rotator cuff can shut down the function of a shoulder. You might want to include stretching to protect your rotator cuffs.

9.take An early dip

Schedule your swimming sessions early. The less people in the pool means less of everything in the pool.

10. Protect yourself

Wearing custom-fitted mouth guards reduces the risk of  injuries by as much as 82 percent, according to a study at UNC at Chapel Hill. Plunk out the cash for a custom-fitted mouth guard and it'll last for years including your smile and teeth.

11. Smooth out your tendon

Inquire about ultrasound needle therapy. These procedure is minimally by using ultrasound to guide a needle. The needle smoothens the  bone, breaks up calcifications, and fixes scar tissue. Thirteen out of twenty patients saw improvement, and the session takes only about 15 minutes of your time.

12. Buy your running shoes after work.

Shop in the evening, the feet are swollen after a day of work. It approximates how your feet will be after three miles of running.

13. Do off road running.

If the surface is unstable, it trains the ankles to be stable.

14. Know where you're going.

Whether its biking, or skiing, be sure to have a dry run down any path first. A lot of injuries can be avoided when you're familiar with the route taken.

15. Train hard.

Anxiety reduces your peripheral vision by three degrees and slows the reaction time by almost 120 milliseconds, according to an article of the Journal of Sports Sciences. When the going gets difficult, the veteran athlete rely on skills they've trained for and practiced. It keeps them cooler under pressure, widening their vision so they can see react much faster.
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Review of the Diet Solution Program - Get an Honest Review of the Diet Solution Program

In this review of the Diet Solution program by Isabel De Los Rios, I'll talk about the different aspects of the program that make it work. In addition, I'll also mention some possible alternatives to this diet that have been proven to work.
- Isabel De Los Rios, the author of the diet is a great person with a storied background. She had extensive weight problems which gave her motivation to find foods that would really help burn fat and increase people's metabolism.
Her background also includes her mom, who suffers with diabetes problems. She has spent over ten years researching and trying different diets to come up with her present formula in this review of the Diet Solution program.
So to start with, she has legitimate motivation that isn't only monetary oriented, which is a breath of fresh air in this review of the Diet Solution program. Too many times we see scam diets where the only motivation is to obviously make a quick buck on the internet.
- Her diet is an "educational" diet. In this review of the Diet Solution program I need to mention that she reveals super foods, which have been mis-categorized by many so call called nutritional experts.
In addition, she reveals foods that you may be eating because you "think" they are healthy, but in reality they could be causing you harm and adding unnecessary fat to your body.
There have been many diets that take this "educational" approach and reveal new and exciting meal plans, but I gotta mention in this review of the Diet Solution program that she has some real gems in her diet.
What about some other good diets?
Is the Diet Solution Really your Best Diet out There?
Although I recommend her program in this review of the Diet Solution program there are other quality diets out there.
On in particular diet is a calorie shifting diet, which achieves faster results without endangering your natural body chemistry. This is the most popular calorie shifting diet on the market and it's been popular with a diverse population all over the world.
You might look below after reading this review of the Diet Solution program and check out the top calorie shifting diet, which I think is much better all the way around for fast and consistent results.
Get Your Calorie Shifting Diet Meal Plan Here and Lose 9 Pounds in 11 Days.

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Forex Megadroid Robot - Prominent Features of Forex Megadroid

 Forex trading market is gaining popularity among many people as it has become a money making business. In past people used to be reluctant of investing money in trading because of fear of loss. As in the trading market there always come ups and downs in the trends. So there are chances of loss for all time. Forex market introduced some very useful robots and software to get the people out of this fear and today it is due to these robots that majority people wants to participate in the forex market. Forex Megadroid Robot is one of the latest Robots of forex market that has some unique features. This article will help the newcomers to Forex Trading market to know some of the prominent features of this Robot.
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Forex Megadroid Robot can adapt changing situations but if any unforeseen situation occurs then it would not be possible for this robot to handle it. Hence it is recommended not to rely completely on the robots but you should have sound knowledge of trading as well. But such situations happen very rarely so one can afford a minute amount of loss out of large and consistent profits.
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